Sunday 7 June 2009

Libellago phaethon

Species Name: Libellago phaethon
Family: Chlorocyphidae
Last week I took the short ferry ride from Tawau, Sabah across the border to Nunukan in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. There, friends took me to a picnic area in a forest reserve near town but unfortunately I had not brought along my DSLR camera, because I found some very interesting damselfly species which were new to me! Two of them were Libellago spp. of which, after much patience, I was able to take some fairly sharp photos with my Nokia N85 mobile phone camera!

L. phaethon is said to be known only from northeast Borneo (just south of Tawau, Nunukan Island would be in this area) being more well known from small streams in Danum in Sabah.
The male is uniquely coloured blue (on thorax and basal half of abdomen) and red markings on the rest of the abdomen. The female (which I did not see) like those of the other species in the genus is darb in colour and difficult to identify unless when associated with the males.

I observed typical Libellago male agression behaviour among the males - two males would hover above a piece of territory facing each other until one of them retreats. I also saw this species confront males of L. hyalina  which was also quite common here in this manner.


spookydragonfly said...

WOW, Joe! Nice photos for a camera phone?! It seems that your picnic was successful in more ways than one. It's exciting to see a new dragon or damsel for the first time!

Costea Andrea Mihai said...

hello...beautiful images!!